We are currently focusing our efforts on Haiti.

In January 2010, a catastrophic magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti and killed more than 200,000 people and leaving some 1.5 million homeless. In October 2016 Hurricane Matthew killed more than 500 people leaving more than 175,000 without homes, and more than a million more struggling to survive.

The Haitian people had many problems before the earthquake struck, including staggering poverty, unemployment, and social and economic inequalities. For those who survived the earthquake and hurricane, these problems were only exacerbated.

We work with GOALS Haiti, a grass roots, Sports-for-Development organization that works with impoverished youth to empower them and help them break the poverty cycle.

GOALS Haiti has distributed our cleats in three villages of Léogâne, the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake. The villages are very poor and lack running water and electricity.

The first village was Mellier. Mellier is down the mountain from the earthquake’s epicenter. GOALS Haiti distributed Immortal Soles cleats to a little boys team. Many of these boys had been playing soccer barefoot. GOALS Haiti concurrently conducted a de-worming clinic, providing information and de-worming tablets, because intestinal worms are a big problem in rural Haiti.This is totally in line with both GOALS Haiti and Immortal Soles’ goal – using sports as a tool to achieve incredible development gains!

The next village was CarrefourCroix. CarrefourCroix is a small Haitian town that is very poor and ill-serviced. The 2010 earthquake caused heavy damage to residential buildings – 40-50% of buildings, including the hospital, were destroyed. GOALS Haiti distributed Immortal Soles cleats to the CarrefourCroix soccer team.

The third village was Destra. Destra is a remote fishing village in Haiti hit badly by the 2010 earthquake. There has never been electricity or a functioning school. It has only one water pump and one toilet. Unfortunately, Destra is forgotten by most aid groups so little reconstruction has resulted post-earthquake. Most families survive on less than $2/ day so the children can’t afford cleats. GOALS Haiti distributed Immortal Soles cleats to the boys and girls soccer team.